Nautilus Video Internship 2024: Application Process
NOTE: This is part of a series of two posts. Visit both to get the whole picture!
THIS POST: Application Process + Tips
OTHER POST: Overall Experience onboard as a first-time Video Engineer + Tips
AND… This is a growing document - if you have more questions, let me know!!!
How I heard about it.
If you’ve been my friend of mine in the last few years, you would know that working with underwater cameras has been a dream of mine for a LONG time. So this, was a dream come true.
It was only until I had a conversation with video engineer and wildlife cinematographer, Erin Ranney, in 2017 that I realized those crazy dreams were fully possible and could happen sooner than I expected.
Erin shared the SEIP (internship program) with me back in the day, even before I started my university years. That being said, I kept tabs on the program in the following years as I became eligible (18+ years old and enrolled in college/university).
What does the application process entail and when do things happen?
1) Online Application (Late Dec during my year)
2) Notification of Interviews (February during my year)
3) Interviews
4) Offer of Position (March during my year)
5) Expedition! (Aug-Sept for my leg, but season USUALLY starts late spring (april/may) and end mid fall (Nov)
I applied TWICE. First I was rejected, then two years later I was accepted.
I applied once between my freshman/sophomore year of college (2021-2022) and was immediately rejected within the first round. I was SO heartbroken about it initially, not realizing the many layers of logistics and coordinating in the way that might’ve dictated that initial decision.
After taking a break from applying during the 2022-2023 school year, I revisited the application, having picked up many more valuable experiences between the first attempt and second attempt. In the 2023-2024 school year, I got the internship!!!
What made the difference? Some tips & examples.
After reflecting on the differences between my first application and my second, I saw some pretty big indicators of what made the difference this time around. Below are some big points about the process.
1) First off, I was inherently more experienced by the second time I applied around.
I was a BABY during my first application season!!! Not only did I have time to grow as a student/learner/person between the time of 19th and 21st years of life, but I also gained valuable experience on research vessels and many different projects in that two-year gap between applications.
Experiences aside, timing is also something I think most application readers consider as well - if they know you are young and have time to grow and reapply, maybe they don’t see taking you in ASAP as a priority! And that is ENTIRELY OKAY!!!
TIP: Reapply, reapply, and REAPPLY! Showing that persistence and tenacity AS WELL AS growth between bouts is really something people can see and consider.
2) Sometimes it’s JUST about schedule. How can you maximize your chances via schedule?
This can be said about practically any scheduled expedition-based venture. Sometimes you get the literal PERFECT applicant, but their availability just doesn’t line up.
If you get turned down from an application, it does NOT mean you aren’t worthy of the experience. It can boil down to a simple logistics blip.
Listing your schedule/availability also means that you need to decide pretty far out on trips, events, and things you’d be willing to MAYBE sacrifice should you be offered a spot on expedition in the following calendar year.
TIP: That being said, I have a sneaky tip for those who are in college/uni/academic institutions but are looking to maximize availability… Give yourself a generous buffer (~4-7 days) between the start and end of your school years*** when marking your availability.
For example, if school starts on Wednesday, September 28th, don’t say your availability stops on the 27. Instead, put down October 1st, or something in that range. At the end of the day, this might open up a possible expedition that concludes in/just before that range, and isnt too disruptive should you miss a couple of instruction days in class - communicate with professors EARLY that you are taking a PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ABSENCE given the circumstances.
Pretty much any professor/instructor with a heart and brain is going to understand that working out in the field is WAY more valuable than syllabus week… If they put up a fight, guess what? They literally can’t do anything about it because you’re in the middle of the ocean :) I have never encountered a pissy professor who didn’t understand the circumstances of expeditions! I’ve literally recived messages from them saying: “Oh hell yes! please stay out of my classroom for as long as you need for this expedition, have fun out there!”
HOWEVER…ONLY DO THIS if you KNOW there are no extreme / hard / longstanding commitments for being in-person for these buffer days.
Obviously don’t do this if you scheduled your final presentation on June 7th and mark your possible expedition availability to start on June 1st. That would be slightly silly to do without communicating with professors first (which I would STILL recommend doing retroactively)
3) Be vocal about openmindedness in your initial application, and continue this onto the interviews!
The interview process was actually SO delightful because of the front-loading I did in my initial online written application.
When you are vocal about your passions and openmindedness to new experiences in that initial application, you are saving yourself a lot of explaining time in the interviews themselves. The interview is usually the space where they see you interact with a team for the first time, and get your on-the-spot responses to new situations. If you have demonstrated your willingness to learn and make it really clear off the bat, the interviews will allow you to relax a bit and dive more into your own personal story!
4) CLEARLY SHOW and identify how the internship will benefit you/your community/overall goals
At the end of the day, internships are meant to invest resources and training in someone exploring their interests and career aspirations. If you happen to have a clear idea of where you’d like to end up a few years down the line, don’t be shy to share! If you aren’t sure, share that as well! This opportunity can be a critical turning point in your career, and identifying how the organization can help in that journey is crucial.
Additionally, try to associate your personal goals with the goals of the SEIP program in general. Review their home page and see the ethos behind the program in the first place, and what potential your participation could have on the people around you! What could you bring back to your friends, family, neighbors, etc. What skills are you trying to develop and how do those skills show up for your community back at home? Where do you want to take them?
5) Start drafting your written responses early, and develop your portfolio so it clearly aligns with written responses and DEMONSTRATES what matters most to you.
Start brainstorming written responses to the essay questions pretty early, and allow yourself enough time to sleep on your responses. There are TOO many times I sped-ran applications just to regret leaving out a new random sentence I think of the day after.
You may also have space in the online application to show any previous work that is relevant to the position. For me, I showcased video projects that showcased both my science communication/education/presenting skills, as well as my camera skills. Having an online portfolio is already a great practice, so make sure to spend time identifying projects you’re most proud of that are relevant to the internship and additional passions mentioned in your application.
It helps to show some awareness/familiarity of camera principles like exposure, focus, composition, and white balance since those are things that you control during your time in the video seat during the internship itself. You don’t have to be an expert, but show that you have an idea about the bigger concepts and that you’re ready to learn more and apply it in a new context.
6) Speak to other previous interns/video engineers!
Simply talking about the experience with others who have experienced it can help knock down internal roadblocks to completing the application. Sometimes holding yourself accountable by sharing that you’re applying to someone can make sure you get it done! And that way, you have someone to celebrate with if it turns out! Erin was an amazing accountability buddy when I went into my second application.
Video interns are joined by a contractor video engineer in addition to the lead video engineer at sea, so MAYBE you’ll get a chance to work in a team with some of the people you spoke to!
7) Be vocal about the internship to those in your network, as preparation for references/letters of recommendation!
As a general rule of thumb, it’s helpful to you and your potential references to give them a generous amount of context about the opportunities you’re applying for, as well as time to develop their opinions should they be contacted as a reference later on!
If your people are well aware of your excitement and passion for this internship, they are more likely to provide positive reviews about you and your work, and potential for the internship. It’s a good practice for anything! Not just this particular internship ;)
Want to hear more about the actual experience on-board the Nautilus? View the next blog to read more about the expedition in American Samoa